What is this website

This website brings a super powerful chat AI to you.

What is your mission

When we talk about Artificial Intelligence, we want to talk about a technology that is Valuable, Accessible, Affordable and Customizable to everyone who is in need.

We believe that all people, not only the tech giants but small businesses, not only the well-educated but those who cannot afford college, not only the richest but ordinary people, have the rights to enjoy the happiness and convenience brought by advanced technologies.

We make it happen.

What are you going to do with my data?

We try our best to protect user data.

We never use user data, including but not limited to emails, mobile numbers, addresses, chatting history, etc. for model training or any business purposes with other business entities.

Are all the services free to use

Partially yeah.

As a company, we need funding to maintain the services.

Is it based on chatGPT?

It's great you talk about chatGPT!

GPT is definitely a crucial part for us, yet we look far beyond it.

I have comments


Please let us know your feedback through the Contact Us link or just send an email to hi@lightchatter.com.

I'm looking for business opportunities

Please Contact Us, we look forward to hearing from you.